Monday, February 20, 2012

16th Feb 2012 Accident at Basirhat, we lost Snigdha Deep at just 14 years of his age

16th February 2012, I will never forget.. probably cruelest day in my life so far. My cousin brother, Snigdha Deep Santra, just 14 years of age boy was going to school by footpath, one reckless truck driver squashed him, killing him on the spot. The incident took place at Basirhat, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India. My uncle, Snigdha Deep’s father, rushed after hearing the sound of the accident and faced the most horrific day in his life, dying son, squashed by a truck. He is a doctor by profession, realized that he can not get his son back, he consoled the dying son with Ramakrishna mission mantra, giving water on his face, and the boy died at father’s lap. Very few father gets this type of ‘privilege’ from God. His nerves must be made of steel, even after losing child, he called local agency to donate his eyes. This followed by procession of people, sympathetic words, but the child will never return. He will never be back… this emptiness will prevail all along we live.

My cousin brother at his early age is inclined to Ramakrishna mission. This is probably because my whole family, including myself, is introduced to Ramakrishna mission. We offer our love, devotion, trust on Him and he gave us this... 'excellent justice' from almighty. My uncle is a devotee of Ramakrishna Mission too, but what my beloved God gave him. He has to carry this burden all along his life. The tragic scene, severed body parts and organs of his dying son, son’s blood.. what not … oh my beloved God… even anyone committing heinous crime do not get this from you. Monks indicate that my cousin brother is a good soul, hence departed quickly … I can now give them many more questions on longevity of renowned spiritual gurus … which will only embarrass them.. some may call ‘the effect of works in past life’, my question is how can you prove that a person did something bad in past life and getting punished in this or did something good and now enjoying the result now… No there is no proof at all and there is no proof either if we are doing something good we will get good results in next life or if we do something bad, we will get something bad in return… no no no there is no proof at all.. whatever we say just to calm our disturbed mind so as to cool us down and follow an escapist path to evade reality. Yes in this type of situation evading reality is necessary .. that is what spiritual gurus will tell ...

Right from my childhood, we have been taught, without HIS wish not even a leaf moves, so whatever happened is as per his wish… HE wanted HIS devotee to carry the cruelest burden for the rest of his life, He even didn’t give a chance to the child to run.. he was hit from the back.. that too, the truck first hit an electric post, broke it and then squashed him within fraction of a second …

Advaita gyan tells that God is everywhere … he is in my cousin, he is in truck driver, he is my uncle, he is in me … so he is squashing himself, making him cry as he is dying at his own lap, with terrible pain and again he is writing this blog raising question on HIS conscience … This is just a notion to keep us calm, but the reality is the mother lost her child will not get him back, the father on whose lap his child had last breath after such a ‘nice blessing’ from God will have to carry this horror for rest of his life and we surrounding them keep repenting, if this would have happened, this tragic thing would never happened…etc etc. Gita, Vedas, Upanishad.. etc etc all talk about knowledge … but when it really happens to even knowledgeable person, he/she realizes what is lost and what a 'nice way' God made it happen.. the same God we love. So what to do? not to love Him? hate Him? relinquish him? … There is no way out.. we continue bearing the pain ... Our spiritual leaders says, God is not a person, he is collection of all, then how come we can personify HIM? or whoever ‘pretends’ as God in disguise or God taken birth to show us direction or His messenger … are all fake? Now the answer could be yes and no, like shouting in front of a big mountain, we hear the echo, we will hear the same thing. If God is inactive, unable or unwilling or disinterested in the well being of His devotees, then what type of God is He? Then why to spend time on him, thinking about him, talking about him… it is of no use

This is an incident, probably regular issue in west Bengal, where people dies like this on road accident, but nothing changes in terms of infrastructure, law enforcement or regulation. The killer driver was arrested and to the utmost audacity he even called on mobile phone to the father of the child he killed. Normally in India what is punishment of killing people.? yes that depends on how influential the bereaved family is or how well connected you are to the people in power. Few years back people was hanged to death for rape and killing based on circumstantial evidence.. because the bereaved family was wealthy and influential. At the same time people drives on pavement dwellers, killing them on the spot not even get a jail term, because the person who committed that is wealthy and influential. Unfortunately, my relatives doesn’t fall in neither of these groups.. so what to expect, the killer will probably get few years in jail or even pay money to law enforcement agencies and get free. He will kill again and the same cycle will follow… is this for which we bled our blood and ‘earned’ freedom.. at least during British period there was an administration of law and regulation. People might argue this is just a sporadic incident, but I ask them the question why sporadic incident became our daily life now and what would be your reaction once you loose your beloved one like this? .. I tell you, you will not.. you will put all possible force you could exert to punish the culprit .. and here we are .. can't do anything except writing this blog.

This blog is an outburst of emotion and grief, not aimed to harm or humiliate any individuals or groups

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